21 Benefits of SEO For Your Business

21 Benefits of SEO For Your Business

SEO is one of the most popular ways to promote your business online nowadays. Most likely, you are already familiar with what Search Engine Optimization is and how it works. But do you know how exactly your company can benefit from SEO? We listed the most important benefits of SEO that will make your business even more cost-effective.

Table of Contents

  1. Improving the visibility
  2. Increasing number of visitors
  3. Reaching Potential Clients
  4. Increasing Profits
  5. Boosting brand awareness
  6. Building brand trust online
  7. Gaining a competitive edge
  8. Growing your business
  9. Building your image as an expert
  10. Building links
  11. Acquiring clients in the long term
  12. Increasing micro conversions
  13. Flexible costs of acquiring new clients
  14. Geotargeting
  15. Increasing direct sales within a local business
  16. Ranking for the most converting keywords
  17. Getting to know your customer preferences
  18. The long-term effect of SEO
  19. Constant monitoring of your efforts
  20. ROI better with SEO than with ads
  21. Attracting talents

Why is SEO for your website important?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the essential solutions to promote your business on the Internet. With SEO, you can easily increase traffic on your website and improve your rank on Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) for certain keywords. Why is it important? The reason is simple: because lots of potential clients browse the web in search of products and services they need or are interested in, using search engines for that purpose – especially Google. That’s precisely why its first page is the most obvious place to promote your business and acquire new clients.

The thing you should remember about is that SEO isn’t a permanent process. Unfortunately, there isn’t one magic way to keep your website at the desired position in the Google search results. The algorithms of search engines update constantly and the competition is always working, so you need to keep abreast and improve your website.

Search Engine Optimization requires time and constant observation – if you want long-lasting results you need to be prepared for a long-time work with your site.

The main benefits of SEO – why exactly SEO helps

Web position can bring your business a lot of benefits! You should be aware of them, and keep them in mind when choosing the best methods to promote your company online. The main benefits of SEO include:

1. Improving the visibility of your website on Results Pages

If you optimize your website properly, you can influence its rank on Google Search for the keywords you aim for – both phrases relevant for your business and so-called long-tail keywords. These are very specific search queries that are used by more aware clients who are looking for certain products. Long-tail keywords actually increase the number of queries that drive traffic and boost conversions within your website.

Long-tail phrases are very specific, include a couple of words, and in a precise way describe the user’s need. Thanks to such phrases customers can easily find the content they search for.

Optimizing for many wide and detailed phrases is, with no surprise, called a Long Tail SEO. You can learn more about it on our blog: Long Tail SEO – What is it and How Does it Work.

2. Increasing the number of website visitors

One of the essential benefits of SEO is the ability to reach more potential clients. SEO helps to rank for a wide variety of keywords that are popular among search engine users. This can allow reaching the first page of search results. The more website visitors we attract, the bigger the chances of conversions and inquiries about our products or services.

Nonetheless, SEO allows you to not only attract visitors via search engines. Certain SEO efforts can get your website mentioned on many external sources as well, which will also drive traffic to your website.

3. Reaching potential clients

You can target potential clients using a relevant and precise choice of keywords. You can even divide them into two segments: informed consumers who know exactly what they are looking for, and those who are not yet aware of what they need. Proper SEO makes it possible to reach both of these groups.

At this point, it’s worth mentioning one, really important for every marketing strategy element – do you know who is your business persona? If you don’t know the term, here’s a little reminder:

Business Persona is a personification of your whole target group. It’s a profile that represents your potential buyer.

4. Increasing profit

A growing number of clients directly translates into a bigger income and ability to grow your business. With more clients, you can expand your offer and increase your company’s revenue every month.

5. Boosting brand awareness

Having your own website increases brand recognition among Internet users to a great extent. Being present on social media, as well as receiving numerous opinions, product reviews, and getting your business featured on other valuable content actually encourages potential clients to return to your website and convert. Only by being recognizable can you eventually become an industry leader and attract new clients each day.

6. Building brand trust online

Another benefit that stems from SEO and promoting your business online is the ability to build trust in your brand. People who already recognize it and know that they can find relevant information on your website are not only more likely to buy from you again, but they can also recommend your services to others.

7. Gaining a competitive edge

Ranking high on SERPs is also a great way to gain a competitive edge in your industry. The more popular keywords you rank high for, the more website visitors you attract – who then start to associate your brand with a certain offer that tends to keep in mind. That’s how the number of direct entries to your website increases.

8. Growing your business

SEO is a great way to grow your business. Thanks to increasing your visibility and acquiring new clients, your company grows – letting you add new products and services to your offer. SEO enables you to target your local market as well as go global so that you can truly expand your business internationally.

9. Building your image as an expert

Sharing knowledge on a regular basis, for example in the form of quality articles on your company blog, can not only help you stand out but also help many people in your industry to draw relevant insights. By educating your audience you can eventually become an expert and reach even more people who search for new, interesting, and valuable resources.

Senior SEO Specialist - Paulina

Senior SEO Specialist

In Delante from October 2017. She approaches her work with passion and commitment, optimizing clients' websites. Lover of active lifestyle, after hours fitness instructor.
Comments (4)
  1. Hi Paulina, thanks for sharing this piece on the benefits of Search Engine Optimisation. There’s no doubt that search engines are the best way to get your business seen online, but we all know that it can be a battle to get to the top. That’s why investing in the right SEO strategies is so crucial for businesses of all sizes.

    1. Totally agree – it may be not the easiest way but definitely worth investing and in the long term the most profitable as the results bring great conversion effect 🙂

  2. The benefits of SEO outlined here just go to show how nowadays every business needs to invest in Search Engine Optimisation, whether they do it themselves or outsource it. The use of the right SEO strategies is absolutely crucial for businesses that rely on maximizing organic traffic. Thanks for the knowledge you shared here.

  3. SEO is really essential to have in every business right now. It levels the playing field in terms of marketing.

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