Searching on Google – 10 Useful Life Hacks that few People Know About

Searching on Google – 10 Useful Life Hacks that few People Know About

We won’t spill the beans if we say that the giant from Mountain View is constantly improving and updating its search engine capabilities. However, very often we’re completely unaware of little secrets it hides from us. In our today’s entry we’re about to reveal some of the most useful life hacks which will make your searching on Google significantly easier.

Our new article will explore the deepest secrets of Uncle Google. As most of us use this search engine on an everyday basis, we’d like to make browsing the net even simpler.

How to quickly and efficiently get from your search engine everything you need? Keep reading to find out 10 Google search life hacks. Let’s get down to it!

Google Search Hacks – 10 useful tricks

1.  A wanted definition

If you want to quickly access a definition of a given word, type the “define:(word)” phrase. Consequently, you won’t have to search for the SERPs to find the necessary definition.

Google search hacks define trick2.  The word you don’t remember

How many times have you searched for a movie whose title you barely remembered and you knew you were missing a part of the whole phrase? We have a google search hack to fix that problem! Add an “*” in the place of a phrase you don’t remember and Google will do the rest for you.

Missing world Google search hack

3.  If you aren’t sure what you’re looking for…

… then the word “OR” comes in handy. If you aren’t quite sure what you want and what search result will be the most appropriate, it’s worth to place “OR” between two phrases. Google will display answers to both search queries and that should dispel any of your doubts.

"OR" attribute google life hacks
seo for beauty industry optimizations

4.  An unwanted website

This Google life hack proves to be handy when you don’t want a particular page to be displayed in your search results, just type the search query and then add “-site:(unwanted page)”.

google search life hacks unwanted site

As a result Google won’t consider this particular website as valuable to you and it won’t show it in the search results.

Unwanted website google search hacks5.  A PDF file

When you search on Google, sometimes it’s not enough to include the “PDF” phrase in your search query to ensure that you’ll get answers and files only in this format. So what to do to narrow down your search results to PDF files? Just type “filetype:pdf (phrase)”.

pdf file google search hack example

Filetype pdf search trick google6.  Time frames

This Google search hack can be particularly useful while doing research, statistics or various analyses. If you want to narrow down your search results to a specific time frame or you aren’t sure from which year the information you’re looking for comes from, then there is a trick that can significantly facilitate your task. All you need to do is to enter two dates with three dots between them (“…”). Voilà!

timeline google search hacks

time frame google search hack example

7.  Specific phrases in:

The title

If you want your search results to contain only those websites with a specific phrase in their titles, just type “:intitle:(phrase)” in Google.

google search hacks example of intitle

The URL address

Just as in the case of the example above, if you want the phrase to be included in the URL address, type “inurl:(phrase)” in the search engine.

in url google search hack

URL trick

8.  Negative keywords and phrases

What if you need to exclude a specific word or phrase? So for example you’re searching for a shopping mall in a given city, however, you remember that one particular shopping mall there didn’t appeal to your taste. So how to exclude it from your search results? See the screenshots below:

Negative keywords google search hacks

Just insert “-” before the negative phrase. Then, Google will automatically and immediately adjust the search results to your needs and preferences.

negative keywords google search hack

9.  Content on a given website

If you want to get search results concerning a particular topic and coming from a particular website, use “(phrase) site:(page address)”. As simple as that.

google search hacks - content on the site

content on site google search hack10.  Synonyms

And last but not least – synonyms. But what does it actually mean? Well, if you’re interested in everything concerning a given concept and not only one particular keyword, using a tilde (~) in Google gives you the possibility to find synonyms and similar words. In real life, it means that the search engine provides you with search results containing not only a particular phrase but also general information on a given topic. See the example below:

google search hacks example search results

Google search hacks example


It’s universally acknowledged that Uncle Google is a search engine powerful in every possible respect. We’re pleased that it works but few of us wonder how it works.

So let’s think about how to get the most out of it. How to narrow down your search results so that you get what you’re looking for as efficiently as possible? We hope that the discussed life hacks will significantly facilitate effective and quick Google search.


Above all, Google search hacks will allow you to use this search engine in a more efficient and quicker way. Thanks to the specific google hack you will be able to quickly access the information you need and be sure that the search results have been suited to your exact preferences.

There are many Google search hacks to help you get desired information suited to your preferences. Among the most popular tricks you can find:

  • “related:” – when you want to search for similar topic websites,
  • “*” – helping you find a website when you only remember the part of the exact phrase/name
  • “OR” – when you’re not sure what phrase to use or what results you want to get ( Google will display results for both phrases),
  • “-site:(unwanted website)” – Google will not display results from the site you don’t want to visit.

Are these all Google search hacks? Of course not! Check more tricks in the article above 🙂

SEO Coordinator - Ola

SEO Coordinator

Student of Media Management. She discovered her interest in marketing and social media while organizing student events. Since July 2019 she has been developing her skills in Delante. She is constantly trying new things and now she is targeting computer graphics. She likes good food and movies with "happily ever after".

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