Category: Technical SEO

FAQ and SEO. How Does the FAQ Section Affect SEO?

FAQ and SEO. How Does the FAQ Section Affect SEO?

For many companies, a FAQ page means enormous time efficiency. However, it turns out that it’s not the only advantage of this website element. How do “frequently asked questions” affect your site’s SEO? Can they improve your sales effectiveness? Keep reading our entry to learn more about FAQ and SEO.

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Noscript Tags – What Are They and How Do They Affect SEO?

Noscript Tags – What Are They and How Do They Affect SEO?

Nowadays, it’s hard to imagine a website without JavaScript that makes it noticeably more attractive. Although it doesn’t happen on a daily basis, the browser preferred by users visiting your website may not support JS or the functionality may be disabled. In this case, it’s crucial to provide visitors with an alternative website version with noscript tags. What are they and how do they affect SEO?

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How to Handle 404 Errors on Your Website?

How to Handle 404 Errors on Your Website?

It happened to every one of us — you try to enter a webpage that potentially contains information that you’re looking for, and you get a 404 Not Found error. Your first thought would probably be that the website you’re trying to access is outdated or that it doesn’t take care of its errors. It is perhaps best if you stay away from it and try to find the information somewhere else.

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